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Windows 8,7,Vista and XP Compatible
Free ActiveX Tools
Sonic VB Suite ActiveX Control - Ver 1.0.1
  • Enhance your Visual Basic projects Effortlessly with 6 in 1 Active X Control.
  • Modernize and Beautify All Your Visual Basic 6.0 Projects Easily.
  • Simple Drag & Drop ActiveX Solution.
  • Full 32 & 64 bit Support and Compatible with Windows 8, 7, Vista & XP.
  • Royalty-Free Distribution and Easy Deployment with Your Compiled Projects.
  • Download Free Fully Functional ActiveX Control.

Enhance your Visual Basic projects effortlessly with our new Sonic VB Suite all in one ActiveX control. The ActiveX Control is specially designed for Visual Basic 5 & 6 and will support all Windows Platforms including Windows 8 (32 & 64-bit).

The Sonic VB Suite ActiveX contains 6 different built-in Sonic ActiveX Controls. Perfect visual control suite for your Applications with easy integration to the Visual Basic IDE. Fast performance and easy deployment. The full version has Royalty Free Distribution. The package comes with free sample skins and button images.

All in One ActiveX Control Includes,

  1. Sonic Click Ver 3.0
  2. Sonic Progress Bar Ver 1.0
  3. Sonic Alpha Style Ver 1.0
  4. Sonic Skinner Ver 1.0
  5. Sonic Frame Ver 1.0
  6. Sonic Calendar Ver 1.0
Sonic VB Suite ActiveX Control
Download Full Version


2.62 MB


(The Zip Package includes Fully functional ActiveX Control, Demo Applications and ActiveX Registration Software.)

    Features of Sonic VB Suite ActiveX Control
  • Multi Styles. ( Xp, Mac, Longhorn, Vista etc..)
  • Unlimited User Defined Styles.
  • Gradient Color Styles.
  • Skin Your Applications without a line of Code.
  • All Standard Events are Supported.
  • Low Memory and Space Consumption.
  • Easy Integration with Visual Basic 5 & 6.
  • Royalty Free Distribution.

  • Sonic VB Suite Styles

      Product Details
  • Name : Sonic VB Suite
  • Version : 1.0.1
  • Component Type : ActiveX Control
  • ActiveX File : SonicVBSuite.ocx (288 KB)
  • Catalog ID : SVCS0001
  • Released Date : 1st May 2007
    • Supported IDEs / Programming Languages
  • Visual Basic 5 & 6
    • Supported Operating Systems
         Full Compatibility
  • Windows 8 (32/64 bit)
  • Windows 7 (32/64 bit)
  • Windows Server 2008 (32/64 bit)
  • Windows Vista (32/64 bit)
  • Windows Server 2003
  • Windows MCE
  • Windows XP
  • Windows Me
  • Windows 2000

  •      Partial Compatibility
  • Windows 98
  • Windows NT
  • Windows 95
    • Using ActiveX Control
  • To add the ActiveX Control to your IDE, just select the name SonicVBSuite in the Components section or Drag & Drop the SonicVBSuite.ocx file to the Components Panel or Toolbox.
    • Deploying ActiveX Control with Your Projects
  • You must re-distribute the Sonic VB Suite ActiveX Control (SonicVBSuite.ocx) with your compiled projects to your clients' or end users' computers along with your compiled Applications for them to work properly. The ".ocx" file must be available either in the System Folder (ex: “C:\Windows\System32\” or “C:\Windows\SysWOW64\”) or the same folder where your application’s executable is.
    • Advanced Usages
  • Please refer to the Demo Applications and Sample Projects given with the Full Package to easily understand the advanced usages of the control.

  • Sonic VB Suite - Screen Shot

    Sonic VB Suite - Styles

    Activex For Windows Vista

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    ActiveX Programming IDEs
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