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Button Mega Pack 3000
  • The Full Pack contains over 3000 Image Buttons Applicable for Sonic Click 4 and 5 Buttons,
  • Over 800 Image Buttons in various sizes,
  • Royalty-Free Distribution with Your Compiled Projects.
  • Download Free Sample Pack.

The Button Mega Pack 3000 for developers is a large collection of button images for software programmers who use Sonic Click Buttons in their projects.

The full package contains,

  • Over 3000 Button Images to be used with Sonic Click Ver 4 and Ver 5 (Super / Ultra / Pro) Button ActiveX Controls.
  • Over 800 Image Buttons in various sizes.
  • 3 Stage Image Buttons.
  • Image Button
    Buy Full Pack
    Button Image

    US$ 9

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    Button Images

    196 KB


    (The Zip Package includes some Free Random Samples of the Button Mega Pack 3000.)

    The Button Mega Pack 3000 includes a collection of Over 3000 Image Buttons in various sizes. The Button Images can be used in Sonic Click Ultra Ver 4 and Ver 5 Button ActiveX Controls.

    Image Buttons

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