- Show Your Progress in an Exclusive Way.
- More than 31 Beautiful Built-in Novel Themes in just one ActiveX.
- Modernize and Beautify All Your Visual Basic 6.0 Projects Easily.
- Works with VB .Net, Visual C++ 6.0, C# .Net, MS Access, Delphi, Xbase++, etc.
- Compatible with Sonic Frame 2.0
- Simple Drag & Drop ActiveX Solution.
- Full 32 & 64 bit Support and Compatible with Windows 8, 7, Vista & XP.
- Royalty-Free Distribution and Easy Deployment with Your Compiled Projects.
- Download Free Fully Functional ActiveX Control.
Sonic Progress Bar ActiveX Control replaces your old boring progress bars with extremely stylish and customizable control. The new activex control can be used as a progress bar or as a busy bar.
The possible applications and uses of the control can be from a simple progress bar to a component of a highly attractive bar chart. The limitation is only your imagination.
This Super version (Ver 2) is a highly advanced version and contains 31 beautiful built-in themes. All themes can be customized according to Interface requirements of your projects within matter of seconds.
The package also comes with a selective collection of free Cover & Back pictures to create excellent custom styles using the built-in themes.
Equipped with the Latest foolproof Registration and Online Activation technology the developers can now distribute their end products with our ActiveX Control hassle free and without any fear in mind of their users obtaining the full version privileges.
This Major release has been equipped with additional features like busy bar animation effects and special events, to reduce your time in designing graphics and coding interfaces and makes you focus more on functional aspects of your software.
You may download the Demo Studio application for the Sonic Progress Bar below and test the Fully Functional ActiveX Control file immediately in your Projects. The ActiveX Control can be Activated to Full Version anytime by purchasing a valid Activation Code according to the number of Computers or Developers of your choice. Until you purchase a License you can try the ActiveX Control and explore the Samples and Demo Applications as long as you need.
2.02 MB
(The Installation Package includes Fully functional ActiveX Control, Demo Applications & Sample Projects, Help & Documentation and Activation Software.)
- Excellent Styles and Ease of Use
- Ample of Themes and Customizable Colors & Shapes
- Great Caption Features
- Wonderful Background Features and Picture Effects
- Amazing Special Features
And much more...
- Product Details
- Supported IDEs / Programming Languages
- Supported Operating Systems
Partial Compatibility
- Using ActiveX Control
Example : SonicProBar1.Caption = "Hello ~$01582~$01608 ~$01605"
- Product Activation
- Deploying ActiveX Control with Your Projects
- Advanced Usages
- Performance Optimization
Product Licensing Information
You can purchase 3 types of Licenses through the payment methods we provide. After your purchase we'll send you an Activation Code through email where it can be used to activate the Sonic Progress Bar ActiveX Control on your computers according to the License type.- 1. Single Developer License - US$ 21
- 2. Group Developer License - US$ 79
- 3. Enterprise Developer License - US$ 149
We provide free technical support for all license types as well.
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Smart Professional User Interface (GUI) for Visual Basic 6.0 or any ActiveX platforms.
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Add capability to generate PDF from HTML, ASPX, Images into your ASP.Net and WinForms applications.
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