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Developer Resources
Resource Gallery
  • The Full Pack contains over 750 Button Themes Applicable for Sonic Click 5 Buttons,
  • Over 800 Image Buttons in various sizes,
  • Over 2500 Beautiful Button Textures,
  • Over 1700 High Quality Icons which you can use in your projects.
  • Royalty-Free Distribution with Your Compiled Projects.
  • Download Free Sample Pack.

The Resource Gallery for developers is a huge collection of resources for software programmers who use Sonic ActiveX controls in their projects.

The full package contains,

  • Over 750 Button Themes to be used with Sonic Click Ver 5 Button ActiveX Controls (Super / Ultra / Pro).
  • Over 800 Image Buttons in various sizes.
  • Over 1700 Icons which you can use in your projects.
  • Over 2500 Button Textures.
  • Resource Gallery
    Buy Full Pack

    US$ 39

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    (The Zip Package includes some Free Random Samples of the Huge Resource Gallery.)

    The Resource Gallery includes a collection of Over 750 Button Themes Applicable for Sonic Click 5 Buttons. The Themes are supported in version 5 of Sonic Click Super, Ultra and Pro Button ActiveX Controls.

    Button Themes

    The Resource Gallery includes a collection of Over 800 Image Buttons in various sizes. The Button Images can be used in Sonic Click Ultra Ver 4 and Ver 5 Button ActiveX Controls.

    Image Buttons

    The Resource Gallery includes a collection of Over 1700 Icons which you can use in your projects. The Icons are in PNG and ICO formats. You may distribute the Icons with your compiled projects Royalty Free.

    High Quality Icons

    The Resource Gallery includes a collection of Over 2500 Button Texture Images which can be used in Sonic Click Ultra Ver 4 and Ver 5 Button ActiveX Controls.

    Button Textures


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